EVERYONE auditioning is required to complete an audition form.


PLEASE NOTE: there will NOT be a computer or copy machine at the audition site and you cannot audition without the audition form.

You will have the option to SAVE your work and return later if you don't have time to fill out the form in one sitting.
Fields appearing in orange are required and must be completed in order to save your audition form.


Theatre in the Park is a non-union theatre and does not offer
professional performance contracts of any kind.


Your Contact & Personal Information
Preferred Pronouns:

Voice Range:

Date Of Birth:
Are You Willing To
Change Your Hair Color?
Audition & Show Preferences
I will be auditioning

(This should be the URL to a video of your audition posted on a site such as YouTube or Vimeo NOT a file sharing site like Dropbox, OneDrive, or Google Drive. For details of what to include in the video, please refer to the audition information page.)

If not cast in a featured/principal role, will you accept an ensemble role?
Training & Skills

Please fill-in the number of years of training in each skill listed below. If none, please leave the following fields at 0.

Scheduling & Comments
Are you available for Call Back Auditions
on January 21 ?

Theatre in the Park is committed to non-discrimination and a flexible, imaginative casting policy. We also strive to be culturally conscious as it pertains to social and historical content. Performers of all ethnic, all racial backgrounds, all sexual orientations, all gender identities, and all body sizes and styles are encouraged to audition! It is the policy of this organization to provide equal opportunities without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, or disability.

Waiver Statement: Please read and check the box below indicating your acceptance.

As a volunteer for Johnson County Park & Recreation District, I do hereby assume all risk of injury & medical expense incurred from any injury resulting from my volunteer participation. The undersigned states that he/she understands that the Johnson County Park & Recreation District is not and shall not be responsible for or liable for any illness, injury, or death to person or damage to property, including but not limited to illness, injury, or death arising from exposure to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), resulting from the program in which the undersigned is enrolling or being enrolled or from his/her participating in said program, and the participant and the undersigned, if the participant is a minor or under other legal disability, hereby forever releases and holds harmless the said Johnson County Park & Recreation District, it's employees, agents and representatives from any and all claims of any kind, including but not limited to claims arising from exposure to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), that the participant, or the undersigned or their respective heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns may have or claim to have resulting from participation in said program. I understand, acknowledge & agree I am not covered by Workers’ Compensation insurance or benefits provided thereunder & I do hereby release, discharge & hold harmless Johnson County Park & Recreation District, its agents, representatives and employees, from any & all claims whatsoever, known or unknown, for damages or injuries to myself. NOTICE: By participating in this program you hereby acknowledge the Johnson County Park & Recreation District can and may photograph and/or video tape program participants and then use such images without payment or any other consideration, for purposes of publicizing District parks, facilities, programs or services, or for any other lawful purpose.