It is with extreme gratitude that we acknowledge the following donors.
Your investment and vote of confidence in the Theatre in the Park is essential for us and a gift to our community.
(Don't forget to ask your employer if they will match your dotation!)
THANK YOU for your generous and gracious gifts.
Husch Blackwell - $500
Absolute retirement Soluntions, Matt Walker - $1,000

Donations From January 1, 2025 to March 26, 2025
$500 - $999
$250 - $499
$100 - $249
- Stephanie Coleman
$1 - $99
- Adam Breymeyer
- Christoff Steffani
- Cindi Carmody
- Jennifer D'Achiardi
- Kathleen Anthony

Our thanks to those who donated by "rounding up" the total dollar amount of their purchase. We appreciate every donation!
- Abbey Kurt
- Alex Anderson
- Alicia Miller
- Allison Ens
- Amie Spilman
- Angela Swartz
- Anna Will
- Ashley Beauchamp
- Ashton Botts
- Barbara Geers
- Becky Miller
- Beth Viehland
- Bethany Spilhaus
- Bill Pelletier
- Billie Pinkham
- Bob Ehler
- Bonnie Hill
- Brenda K. Hoff
- Brian Ghisalberti
- Brianna Buckbee
- Brianna McMahill
- Bryan Lovegren
- Carol Campbell
- Carol Hartegan
- Carol Henschke
- Carol Lopez
- Carolyn Frisbie
- carolyn reedy
- Caryn Tanner
- Cathy Stearns
- Chelsea Smet
- Cheryl White
- Christine Wise
- Christy Kobuszewski
- Connie Harris
- Connie Runkel
- Curry Milburn
- Cynthia Banks Phipps
- Dana Garrett
- Debbie Barnett
- Debbie Mikel
- Deborah Blinn
- Dee Grout
- Denene Brox
- Denise Moyer
- Dennis Branson
- Desiree Webb
- Diana Anderson
- Don F. Dagenais
- Donna Davis
- Doris Chopp
- Dorothy Vanderhorst
- Elizabeth "EB" Boresow
- Ellie Penner
- Erin E. Racer
- Erin Stillion
- Ginger Driskell
- gloria knight
- heather seute
- Heather Tinker
- Jason Irvin
- Jeanne Marx
- Jennifer Flenthrope
- Jennifer Gantt
- Jennifer Lauer
- Jennifer Marie Riedel
- Jerry Tracy
- Joe McCulley
- Joni Martin
- Julie Monahan
- Kali Woofter
- Kara Holbert
- Karen Fesenmeyer
- Karen Wiley
- Kari Jones
- Kathy Weyforth
- Kelsie Massey
- Kim Burnett
- Kodi Lash
- Kristy Acree
- Lacy Goettling
- Lara Sodon
- Laura Smith
- Leah Meadows
- leann m allen
- Lesa Sinsel
- Linda Barber
- Linda Finch
- Lindsey Downey
- Lori Thomas
- Madelon Goetzinger
- Margareta Knopik
- Marissa FUNK
- Mary Chris Blickhan
- Mary Jean Billingsley
- Mary Riegg
- Matthew Gudahl
- Matthew W. Pollock
- McKenzie King
- Melissa Hartwell
- Michele Ball
- Mimi Luka
- Nancy Graham
- Oneta Templeton
- Pam Junk
- Pamela Malloy
- Paul Trautman
- Rachael A Honnold
- Rachel Lee TEST
- Raylene Stewart
- Rhonda Welsh
- Robert Byarlay
- Robin Cole
- Robin Wheat
- Ron Ruisinger Jr
- Ron Sylvester
- Rune Camp
- Russell McGuire
- Ryann Schubert
- Santaularia Cara
- Sarah Lee
- Sarah Montoya
- Shelly Banks
- Sheree Smith
- Sherri McAlpin
- Stacey Uthe
- Stacy Higgins
- Steven Walsh
- Susan Chmel
- Susan Hartman
- Susan McCurdy
- Susan Parrish
- Susie Uppman
- Sydney Bergeron
- Tara Loran
- Tara Mann
- Theresa Stewart
- Trish Garrigus
- Trisha Fugere
- Valerie Fagan
- Vicky DeLaughder
- Victoria Haller
- Virginia Wirtz
- Westley Scott Anson
- Willa Jean Ayres