Thank you for your interest in advertising in the Theatre in the Park Program.
Please remember:
FULL COLOR advertisements appear in ALL 5 PROGRAMS spanning our entire season. The color section of our program remains the same throughout our entire season.
BLACK AND WHITE advertisements appear in only ONE production’s program. If you would like your black and white ad to appear in the program of more than one production, each ad must be reserved and paid for separately.
The location of your ad in our program cannot be guaranteed and is at the sole discretion of TTIP, however, prime program real estate is given priority to season sponsors and supporters.
TTIP reserves the right to deny placement of an ad due to content.

Please use the form below to choose the size of the ad you would like in either the full color or black and white sections of our program. After purchasing your ad, a member of the TTIP staff will contact you as the artwork deadline for your ad approaches.